The Graduate Program in LAAS is a research based Master's degree. The MS degree is offered under two options: Plan A or Plan B.
- Plan A requires a thesis.
- Plan B substitutes additional coursework and special reports or projects for the thesis.
The MS program ordinarily requires from three to five semesters in residence and cannot be completed in fewer than two semesters. At least 60% of the coursework must be completed as a registered University of Minnesota Graduate School student. Both Master’s degree plans require that students maintain a B or better average.
Please notify Kari Jarcho of the plan type for your MS; this needs to be on file before additional paperwork can be completed.
Course Requirements
Students will take a minimum of 30 credits in either the Plan A or the Plan B option.
The typical Plan A option includes: 5 credits in required LAAS core courses; 9 credits in other courses by LAAS faculty relevant to the student’s research (related courses may be substituted if recommended by the student’s committee); 6 credits in minor/related courses; and 10 thesis credits. Students will need to work closely with their advisors to determine a suitable set of courses for their particular area of study.
The Plan B MS degree requires 10 more course credits and a more modest research project. It requires at least 20 credits in core and minor courses along with the required LAAS core courses for a total of 30 credits.
Required Core Courses for the MS degree (5 credits)
- LAAS 5050: Integrated Topics in Land & Atmospheric Science (3 cr, Fall)
- LAAS 8128: Seminar (1.5 cr, Fall)
- SOIL 8123: Research Ethics (0.5 cr, Spring)
General Timelines
Plan A
Timeline | Plan A steps |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Plan B
Timeline | Plan B steps |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |